Upcounty Consolidation HUB at BlackRock Seeks Donations for 1,000 Easter Baskets

The Germantown-based Upcounty Consolidation HUB at BlackRock, which has been providing much needed food and essentials to families during COVID-19, is collecting donations as they hope to assemble 1,000 Easter Baskets for local families. While they continue food distribution and deliveries, they have several ways for community members to contribute to their Easter project.

Donors can donate by making Online Donations, purchasing items on the Upcounty HUB’s Amazon Wish List, or by dropping off items at the Drive-Through Donations 9AM-4PM Mon-Fri at BlackRock, 12901 Towns Commons Drive Germantown, MD 20874.

For drop off or Amazon donations the Upcounty HUB is requesting specific items:

* Assembled Gender-Neutral Baskets
* Easter Baskets & Grass
* Fruit Snacks & Cereal Bars
* Chocolate Eggs & Bunnies
* Gender-neutral Toys
* Activity & Coloring Books
* Crayons & Markers
* Plastic Eggs w/Treats
* Small Stuffed Animals
* Colored Cellophane

Donations for their Easter Basket Drive are being accepted through March 16.

According to Montgomery County Councilmember Nancy Navarro, “BlackRock has stepped up to provide live-saving support to their community. The county is replicating the model at the Upcounty Consolidation of HUB in other areas. [Their] work will go down in history in terms of what has been done for your community and beyond.”

More information about the Upcounty HUB, including food distribution and delivery schedules, is available here.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'BLACKROCK CENTER FOR THE ARTS The Upcounty Hub at BlackRock EASTER BASKET & GIFT DRIVE Help us spread joy to 1,000 local families! IN PARTNERSHIP WITH KIND WORKS building community -THE David& Mikel Blair FAMILY FOUNDATION-'




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