Recommendations will be used for the design of all public and private streets in this area of White Flint

Montgomery Planning has released the Pike District Streetscape Guidelines as a part of the Advancing the Pike District project. The recommendations in the document will be used to guide the transformation within the White Flint Special Taxing District by providing recommendations for the design of all public and private streets. The guidelines are based on an existing conditions analysis, stakeholder feedback and current best practices for creating safe and attractive streets with multimodal connectivity.

Read the Pike District Streetscape Guidelines. Watch the briefing to the Planning Board on November 18, 2021.

The Pike District Streetscape Guidelines were drafted to ensure that streets in the Pike District are developed in a manner that adequately accommodates all modes and users–pedestrians, cyclists, public transit, and motorists–in a safe and attractive environment. Streetscape guidelines help provide information about how the various components of streets such as travel lanes, sidewalks, street trees, bicycle and transit facilities should be organized. They provide overall guidance as well as context-based recommendations for specific streets.

About Advancing the Pike District

Advancing the Pike District is a Montgomery Planning initiative to accelerate the transformation of White Flint’s core into a walkable, mixed-use district by identifying short- and medium-term implementation-focused solutions that build on the Sector Plan’s recommendations, enhance mobility, and promote economic development, urban design and placemaking. The project revisits and builds upon the recommendations from the 2010 White Flint Sector Plan, which has guided infrastructure improvements and development in the White Flint area over the past decade, with the goal of accelerating White Flint’s transformation.

View the Advancing the Pike District Development Trends, Infrastructure Update and Short-Term Solutions report and learn more about the Pike District Connector. Sign up for the project’s eletter to stay informed.


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